Thursday, February 17, 2005

Welcome to N-Irvine-a(TM)

Pronounce it with me...rhymes with Nirvana. A blog about all things Irvine, California, or, as many of my neighbors call it, "The Bubble." Home of beige houses with a red tile roof, immaculate yards, expensive cars, where the stay-at-home mom is revered and where the sound of barking dogs or music at a party at 10PM will prompt a 9-1-1 call.

The title is from a Novel I'm writing loosely based on life here. (it's trademarked, so don't even think about it).

I'm a public relations executive with my own boutique shop. I coach soccer, basketball, and serve as a homeowner's association president (sound familiar: "living in a gated community has many benefits....). My wife works, my kids attend Irvine schools and we have a dog. This city is home. We're happy here and have made a number of lifelong friends.

And its *hard* to be a liberal Democrat in The OC. Irvine is a purple city in a red county in a blue state. In this blog, we'll be having fun with commentary on the Letters to the Editor section of the OC Register and Irvine World News, general comments about the school board and city council candidates.

Let's have fun and not take stuff too personally. If you have no sense of humor or a poor sense of humor, go directly to another site.


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