Friday, February 18, 2005

IWN-UCI exhibit

A letter writer in the Irvine World News this week asks Orange County Jews to question their allegiance to the Democratic Party on the basis of an exhibit at UCI. It's sponsored by several conservative groups and is one of the buses destroyed in Israel as a result of a terrorist attack.

The writer asks where the support from the Liberals is on this exhibit.

I have no clue.

Were they (Liberal groups) even offered a chance to sponsor anything? Let's not tie a lack of sponsorship to a lack of support to the cause of anti-terrorism.

But its another example of how a conservative will try to portray Liberals and Democrats as out of touch with mainstream America. And its not the kind of letter that will ellicit much response, even though its clear the writer is only reporting a narrow view. Had the letter said, "the exhibit sponsorship was turned down by liberal campus organization" well, now you have a point. And then how many conservative groups contribute to campaigns on tolerance?

I think the writer can go back to listening to Rush Limbaugh now.


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