Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson

I was saddened to learn of the passing of Hunter S. Thompson, the father of Gonzo Journalism.

My friend John Boehm, a staunch Republican, called and we were able to cite passages from some of our favorite Thompson tomes.

My favorite line from "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72," "it was the feeling you get where you hear your guard dog's throat being ripped out by a werewolf 30 feet from your tent."

Hunter was an acquired taste. And his later work just never lived up to his earlier work.

I instantly thought of two old friends from my days at Proteon, a company in Westboro, Mass. Mark Urbin and Dan Frecehette and I drank Tequila shots and smoked cigars at the revolving bar at Circus Circus in Las Vegas, a historical landmark for Hunter fans. We slept a total of six hours in five days and effectively captured the Fear-and-Loathing days where the Vegas Strip was much smaller and life there was a lot simpler.

I have long tossed my dog-eared copy of "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72" but I can promise you it will be on my bookshelf before the week is out.

Rest in peace Dr. Thompson...Or, since you died off a self-inflicted gunshot wound, perhaps I should say, rest in pieces.


Blogger Mark said...

Yo Dan! About time you dragged your butt into the 21st Century and started blogging.

I wrote about that trip in my livejournal.


4:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! You butchered that quote!

It's ...

"I imagine it is something like camping out in the North Woods and suddenly coming awake in your tent around midnight to the horrible snarling and screaming sounds of a Werewolf killing your guard dog somewhere out in the trees beyond the campfire."

10:29 PM  

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