Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Hannity: repeat a lie long enough and its true

Listened to Sean Hannnity's pathetic rant on the Schaivo case. He claims there is a medical dispute in regards to Teri's condition and with the right treatment, she can recover. Where was this guy for the past 15 years?

The woman is alive not not living. No higher brain functions (which qualifies her to be a conservative radio talk show host).

But Hannity is like a terrier; he grabs hold of something (even if its wrong) and refuses to let go. It's true because he says so. Too bad Sean keeps forgetting to bring up how the GOP controlled House cut medicare funding that would have benefited patients in a progressive vegetative state. Would stem cell research help Teri? Oh, Sean's on the "wrong side of history" for that too. But the cool thing was listening to Sean praise Jesse Jackson for intervening on behalf of Teri's family even though it was killing him to say something (anything) positive about Jesse Jackson.

I actually hope that the Clinton's come down and voice support for the family so Hannity can choke on his own bile for a change.


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