Wednesday, June 29, 2005

In a way, I feel sorry for this guy

This is exactly why I came to leave the Republican Party and join trhe Democrats. Read this story:

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Mark's Blog

I'm posting more to my friend Mark's blog than I am my own.

The big question I have of Mark and his friends, since they swing so far to the right these days, is why? What makes George W. Bush such a great president that he and his policies are defended so much?

We're in a war we shouldn't be in, gas is a dollar more a gallon than when he took office, we've gone from record surpluses to record deficits, the tax cuts haven't stimulated the economy or created the jobs they thought, and to move toward one party rule where dissent is crushed reminds me of the good old days of the USSR. We're America. Aren't we supposed to be better than all this?

Thursday, June 16, 2005

the spot

Here's the link to the web site where the "Broken Promises" spot has been posted online.

Hope the Governor is listening. But let's be honest, any checks I write will be toi the school district and not the governor. So the man who has raised more than twice the money Gray Davis raised in their first 12 months in office after decalring he is not for sale, is very much in fact, for sale. The Governor is a poster child for checkbook democracy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

would someone tell Rush to get back on his meds...

An excerpt of Rush Limbaugh's show, courtesy of The audio file has much angst and hand-wringing and the rattle of papers.

But Rush, America's anchorman as he calls himself, has already uncovered the culprit for the next terrorist attack on America -- you guessed it, it's the American Left and the Media.

Here is what he said.
LIMBAUGH: Let me tell you something, folks, if we are hit again, if we are hit again, we need to hold these people in our country who are undermining our efforts responsible. It ain't going to be the FBI's fault next time. It isn't going to be the CIA's fault next time. It isn't going to be some bureaucracy's fault next time. It's going to be the fault of politicians, left-wing groups and the like who have names and identities and spend their every waking moment trying to obstruct our ability to secure intelligence information for our own national security.

You want some names: [Sen. Patrick] Leahy [D-VT], [Sen. Joseph R.] Biden [D-DE], [Sen. Richard J.] Durbin [D-IL], [Sen. Barbara] Boxer [D-CA], [Sen. Edward] Kennedy [D-MA], [Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid [D-NV], Newsweek, Time, The New York Times, Amnesty International. If we get hit again, these are the names of the people and organizations we need to look at when we're trying to find out why and how it happened."

I have a real problem with people who refer to themselves in the third person as often as Rush does.

I supposed Bush's invasion of Iraq, the abuses at Abu Gharhib and Gitmo, and our quest for more oil would have nothing to do with it.

Will the DA in Florida please indict this man on drug abuse charges?

Schiavo autopsy

Just woindering how Frist, Hannity, Limbaugh and Coulter will respond to the details announced today of Terri Schiavo's autopsy results. Her brain weigh half the size of a normal human brain, she was blind, and had irreversable brain damage.

So much for Hannity's experts claiming she could recover with the right stimuli, or that she tried to speak "I want to live..." Before the Christian Right jumps in to say, No one deserves to starve to death," let me say she was technically alive, but had no quality of life.

How will the Right spin this one?

Schiavo autopsy results are in. She was blind. Her brain weighed half of what it should. She had massive brain damage leading to a progressive vegetative state (much like Sean Hannity's journalism background).

Wonder how the Coulters, Malkins, Limbaughs and Hannitys of the world will explain themselves here.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Can you hear me now Arnold?

It's been a while since I was behind a mike, but you can hear my voice on a radio spot airing throughout California today about the governor's proposed education reforms.

I'm the only male on the spot besides the announcer.

a wise man once said....

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Mark Felt

Is a hero.

Who was he going to report corruption to: the FBI director who threw documents over bridge into the Potomac or the AG who was in on the conspiracy. Look at thow the Bush Administration treats its own whistleblowers, Paul O'Neill and Richard Clarke. They are villified and dismissed as liars for pointing out or disagreeing with the president.

And then Karl Rove puts the right wing attack media to work to savage their reputations. Where are the Mark Felt's of this administration?

We get the Government we deserve.

Koran abuse at Gitmo

I wonder if White House spokeshole Scott McClellan will apologize to Newsweek Magazine for the confirmation of Koran abuse at Gitmo. I also find it hysterical that the Bush Administration is citing the Geneva Convention to prevent the ACLU from gaining access to Abu Ghrahib photos and videos. The right wing media has been railing that these terrorists do not warrant Geneva Convention protections, yet will fall behind the GC to save their own ass. Let me play Jeff Gannon for a moment and ask Scott McClellan a question: "So Scott, are you guys the pot or the kettle?"

McClellan's treatment of Newsweek as the mouthpiece ofthe president is a disgrace to our profession (I'm in PR too of course).

But I'm sure Rumsfeld and Bush will declare all of our forces in Gitmo as "good men" and "good women" and, as usual, there will be no accountability.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

and like a Good Republican.......

what's that phrase? The friend of my enemy is my enemy....

from today's Irvine World News...

Board member defends role in TV ad

School board member Mike Parham has taken flak from some quarters for his appearance in Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s TV ad that calls for more careful spending and fiscal reform in the face of the state’s financially tight times.
Some have been critical of Parham for appearing in the ad because they say the governor’s financial proposals shift more costs to already lean school districts and eliminate
levels of state funding provided in Proposition 98.
Parham spoke last week at a meeting of the district’s Legislative Action Committee to explain his position regarding the governor’s financial proposals.
He said he does not support the governor’s proposal to eliminate Proposition 98 funding guarantees. The TV ad, he said, was not about education but about everyone being more fiscally responsible.
“I agree with him on that. We have to spend more carefully in all state programs,” said Parham.
Dan Chmielewski of the Sierra Vista Middle School Legislative Action Committee, said he is not happy about Parham being in the commercial. He said the school board should present a united front on the issue of the state’s education spending.
The ad was filmed at Allergan in Irvine and was aired on TV last month. In it, Parham is sitting next to the governor, which gave the school board member an unusual amount of time to talk to Schwarzenegger. Parham said he used the time to talk about the need for equalization of school funding and the needs of education in general.
“He really seemed to understand,” said Parham. “I had a rare opportunity.”
Chmielewski said he commends Parham for getting the ear of the governor, noting that he had gotten closer to the governor than other representatives of the district. However, Chmielewski said that by supporting the governor’s overall fiscal reform package, Parham is indirectly supporting the governor’s squeeze of funding to kindergarten-through 12th grade education.
“He is being a good Republican and supporting the governor, but he is not representing our children and the school district well,” said Chmielewski.
Parham contends he is serving the interests of the district by talking to the governor. He also says that helping improve the business climate in California will improve the fiscal situation statewide and thus will help education. The methods of funding public education in California are broken and need to be fixed, Parham added.
School board members Sue Kuwabara and Sharon Wallin have said at board meetings that although Proposition 98 provisions are not without fault, they are at this time the only guarantee the schools have that funding will remain stable.
Both said that Proposition 98 should not be eliminated before something better is proposed.
Parham said at last week’s board meeting that he does not want to eliminate Proposition 98 funding guarantees, but does want to change the system.

Hurray for Deep Throat

and where are the Mark Felt's in the Bush Administration? Oh yea, they get fired (Paul O'Neill) or quit (Christie Todd Whittman).

Since I know Mark checks in, I offer this fun link on my Blog.