Saturday, June 04, 2005

Koran abuse at Gitmo

I wonder if White House spokeshole Scott McClellan will apologize to Newsweek Magazine for the confirmation of Koran abuse at Gitmo. I also find it hysterical that the Bush Administration is citing the Geneva Convention to prevent the ACLU from gaining access to Abu Ghrahib photos and videos. The right wing media has been railing that these terrorists do not warrant Geneva Convention protections, yet will fall behind the GC to save their own ass. Let me play Jeff Gannon for a moment and ask Scott McClellan a question: "So Scott, are you guys the pot or the kettle?"

McClellan's treatment of Newsweek as the mouthpiece ofthe president is a disgrace to our profession (I'm in PR too of course).

But I'm sure Rumsfeld and Bush will declare all of our forces in Gitmo as "good men" and "good women" and, as usual, there will be no accountability.


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