Friday, July 22, 2005

Mr. Goldberg's getting out of the kitchen

Bernard Goldberg used to be a respected journalist. But he's totally sold out to the Far Right. His current book, "100 People Screwing Up Amercia" is a homage of hate and -- dare I say it -- BIAS to the political left. #95 on the list is Courtney Love. Goldberg's reason consists of a single word -- "Ho." To be honest, Courtney Love is in greater danger of screwing up Courtney Love than she is America. There are 3 conservatives on the list (Michael Savage is one).

Goldberg's rationale is the people on the list need to have done something outrageous to make it. So Michael Moore is #1, Al Franken is in at #37. Tim Robbins, Barbara Streisand, the publisher of the NY Times and the head of the ACLU all make the list. No Ann Coulter. No Bill O'Reilly. No Sean Hannity. No Karl Rove. No Randall Terry. No Alan Keyes. I could go on.

The set up above is for this below. Goldberg went on a CNBC show and the Daily Show, which were less than welcoming than his nine appearances on Fox News or his interview with Rush Limbaugh (who isn't in the book but should be). Goldberg responded to one question by the media critic of the New York Post by telling her to shut up (How very O'Reilly of him). Goldberg seems surprised that people on the left are upset with this one-sided, not Far-and-Balanced, book.

I thought he was smart than that.

On Limbaugh, Goldberg has basically disavowed himself of being a member of the lefty liberals. He doesn't want to be associated with lefties anymore. Bernie, speaking for the left, you can go.

We don't want you. BTW, you can buy a copy of "Bias," Bernie's first book, used on for a nickel. Let me saze you some postage. The book should be subtitled, "Dan Rather is a Big Jerk."

Bernie is still somewhat bitter about his resignation from CBS News.

He can make his living by pandering to the right.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Joe Conason on Carl Rove

Can't spell "Cover Up" without R-O-V-E. See this column from Joe Conason.

some photos from ComicCon 2005

My son Alex and I are big fans of the comics; we went to ComicCon in San Diego last week and took some pictures of the event. In fairness, I also am posting this to try and figure out how to post photos to my blog.

75,000 people in San Diego over a 4 day period. The autograph booths were cool. A lot of B and C list celebs and some former A-listers. It was scary to see almost no one at some of the actor's tables (these would be some of the supporting characters from the original Battlestar Gallactica and from Farscape.

It was hard to tell which folks dressed up were employees and which we're just fans. Scary.

Cool note, Alex got to meet Kenny Baker, the actor inside the R2D2 suit for the Star Wars movies. He hugged me several times (Alex, not Kenny) to tell me how glad he was tro be there.

On the photos above (it looks like it worked), upper left hand corner is Alex with Todd MacFarland, creator of Spawn; upper right, Alex with Boondocks creator Aaron MacGruder; lower left, Alex with Kenny Baker; lower right Alex with Margot Kidder and"Jimmy Olson." (I can't remember the actor's name).

Monday, July 18, 2005

Howard Bryant on NPR

Here's the link to Howard Bryant's NPR interview.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Joe Wilson's New York Times essay

Monday, July 11, 2005

Bernard Goldberg's book; Howard Bryant's book

Egads, is it July 11 already?

The New York Times gave a hearty endorsement to Howard Bryant's "Juicing the Game" about baseball and steroids. Howard is a good friend; Dawn worked with him at the Patriot Ledger in Quincy and they have been friends since. He has a great gig at the Boston Herald. Buy his book; it's the fact-based account oif steroid use in baseball, not the Canseco-driven rumor-fest.

A book to ignore is Bernard Goldberg's new one about the 100 People Most Hurting America (or words to that effect); count em, three conservatives. Goldberg is still carrying an axe that needs constant grinding for his firing at CBS. His fans will point to the "bad behavior" required to make this list (AL Franken is #37, Courtney Love is #95), so if that's the case, where is Ann Coulter?