Mr. Goldberg's getting out of the kitchen
Goldberg's rationale is the people on the list need to have done something outrageous to make it. So Michael Moore is #1, Al Franken is in at #37. Tim Robbins, Barbara Streisand, the publisher of the NY Times and the head of the ACLU all make the list. No Ann Coulter. No Bill O'Reilly. No Sean Hannity. No Karl Rove. No Randall Terry. No Alan Keyes. I could go on.
The set up above is for this below. Goldberg went on a CNBC show and the Daily Show, which were less than welcoming than his nine appearances on Fox News or his interview with Rush Limbaugh (who isn't in the book but should be). Goldberg responded to one question by the media critic of the New York Post by telling her to shut up (How very O'Reilly of him). Goldberg seems surprised that people on the left are upset with this one-sided, not Far-and-Balanced, book.
I thought he was smart than that.
On Limbaugh, Goldberg has basically disavowed himself of being a member of the lefty liberals. He doesn't want to be associated with lefties anymore. Bernie, speaking for the left, you can go.
We don't want you. BTW, you can buy a copy of "Bias," Bernie's first book, used on for a nickel. Let me saze you some postage. The book should be subtitled, "Dan Rather is a Big Jerk."
Bernie is still somewhat bitter about his resignation from CBS News.
He can make his living by pandering to the right.